Erin Gets Established

Erin teams up with Heather Able Bragg and Established Artists Management

Erin has just made the move and joined the client roster at Established Artists Management with the lovely, go-getter, Heather Able Bragg as her manager. They are ecstatic to begin their partnership together and look forward to pressing forward with Erin’s acting, screenwriting, and voice over career. Things are looking up every day.

Erin Rounds Out the Dream Team

Manager: Amanda Waldhoff
Agent: Janelle Bernard
Agent: Luli Batista

The Dream Team moves forward at full steam. We’ve rounded out the representation circle with the addition of Luli Batista with Sovereign Talent Agency’s Commercial division, who joins Janelle at Daniel Hoff Agency’s Theatrical team, and the amazing Amanda Waldhoff at The Green Room Management standing behind Erin with 3 bold, powerful, and Cool as F*ck women!

Look forward to watching this dream team work it’s magic! Super excited, super enthusiastic!

The Little Army of Dreams & The March to Victory Hill.


Hello Fam!

Things are moving and shaking as we take meetings to push my feature script forward.  WOO!  Don’t want to say too much because the Universe likes to kick braggarts in the ‘nads.

Auditions are running hot with my Management team at The Green Room smashing it with pitches and submissions.  I’m so lucky to have a team behind me rooting for all the wins, big and little, like they are.  But beyond rooting from the sidelines, they’re out on the battlefield behind me, how EPIC is that?  My army is always growing and sometimes changing, but I’m blessed that every move has been a step onward and upward.

Goodbye 2017. Hello, Today.


This new year is a welcome change.  Last year showed a bit of progress, but was emotionally taxing.  This year got started on the right foot, and I take that as a sign.  I have been working on a pitch deck for my script, and will be pushing that forward with as much force as I can provide it.  I’ve booked a little part in a feature that shoots this Friday, and am looking wide-eyed into the year ahead.

Wherever you are, send me your good vibes, as they are needed and appreciated.  XO.


50K Indie Thriller


Filming has just wrapped on our indie thriller, 50K, directed by the amazing Marc Martinez, and produced by the awesome Patrick Thomas.  Here’s a Behind-The-Scenes shot as we rehearsed and blocked material.

I play one of the ensemble leads, Reiko.  I have been so blessed to have been offered the opportunity to be part of this experience.  It has been hands down one of the best of my life, and I look forward to more good times.

It Hurts So Good.


I just finished WRITING a feature film.  And I’m very proud of it, which I hesitate to say about many of the things in my life.  Not because I suck, but because I hold high standards.  In an industry where I being Female, Ethnic, and petite-  all things I have no power over- can often work against me, I will not let them lose sight of me that easily.  Whatever it takes, I’ll work for it, and if it means 4 or 5 o’clock nights… Fuck. Count me in.

This picture is of a reading with 6 actors (and Me) of my feature script.  It’s a dark comedy, that will make you laugh, make you feel like shit for about 5 minutes, and then make you feel awesome again.  But it’s like a “good shit” feeling… like it’ll hurt so good.